Monday, August 23, 2010


Assalamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh...=)

I'm Back...! ^_^after along time not to post anything in my blog.

Today our respected lecturer ,Mdm.Noraslinda has thaught us about Smiles,
(it's not learning how to smile..hehe but...
it is all about Simplified Molecular Input Line Entry Specification (SMILES) which is a specification for unambiguously describing the structure of chemical molecules using short ASCII strings.And,I'm very happy to share it with all of you..=)

Below are the chemical structures with the smiles(below each picture) that i have done.Take a look..^-^

Not to forget to Mdm.Noraslinda,I would like to thank to you so much for teaching me this KOS subject and pleasa forgive me for all my mistakes that I have done during class time.Hope that
Allah will give you a big reward for all your kindness..=)

Thank you madam..=)=)

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Creating Graphical Objects

Assamualaikum warahmatullah wabarakatuh..=) =)

Happy to see you again in this blog.=)Today im gonna share with you about Chemskatch,the software that allow us to draw chemical structures,reactions,schematic diagrams and design other chemistry-related reports and presentations.

It also allow us to draw atoms,bonds
undefined and Markush), as well as labels and polymers.We also can flip,rotate and resize a drawn molecular
By using this software also,we can quickly draw ring structures,set double bonds and triple bonds and also set an atomic charges.

I've been given a task by Mdm.Aslinda to draw simple and complex molecular structures.Below are the picture that i've drawn.

Take a look..!!..^-^

Hope to see you again..
